I was so thrilled upon arriving to the doctors office knowing that they most likely would remove those bad boys. Thankfully I was NOT aware of the pain that may ensue...
In case you're not sure what I'm referencing when I've been discussing, here's a visual.

However there's only ONE, so just subtract the one hanging from the arm pit area.
The first one came out, no prob at ALL. Weird feeling, heck yes. Pain. No.
The second one was an entirely different story. Profanities were flowing out of my mouth with no control. It felt as if every stitch was being ripped out from under my breast. #*€*#€+#>.
On the bright side, it only throbbed for about 10 minutes and then all was dandy.
Afterwards my Ma and I grabbed some lunch and then hit up the local Walmart for some cheap comfy bras. I can't wear underwire for another couple weeks, so I just wanted to pick up a few to tithe me over.

Talk about bizarre...picking up a C cup bra to take into the dressing room. Ive been sized out of the Walmart bra area since I was 7.
I picked out these cuties...and then it hit me. My steam had RUN out. My Mom had to rush me home because I could barely keep my eyes open I was do exhausted.
My body is still in shock mode...and my energy well is pretty dry these days.
After I knocked out for a two hour nap, I felt much better.
Yesterday was the first full day that I made it thru without pain ills, so I was able to enjoy a skinny girl margarita with the fajita dinner J made.

The question I am pondering today is if I think my body can handle returning to work tomorrow....
I don't want to overdue it, so I'm thinking two half days to round out the week. We shall see....
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